In this post I am talking about an error which comes up when you try to deploy the activity you have defined previously.
When you create an activity using Add-Ins: BAM Activity and BAM View and you have created progress, time and data dimensions each item declared has a unique identifier (Id) that you can see when you export your activity definition to XML format as show below:
<Activity Name=”RNGDConsultaDaños” ID=”ID1E27DF7963924CBC829A5311B1F17CBD”>
<Checkpoint Name=”FechaInicio” ID=”ID043C75F6897244398EFB230C17DF9DCA” DataType=”DATETIME”/>
<Checkpoint Name=”FechaInconsistencia” ID=”ID9E5423FBE42249FFB335BBB5B3BAB752″ DataType=”DATETIME”/>
In my case I have two similar activities, the difference between the two was a progress dimension, so I decided to copy de first activity I have created before and chance only the dimension which I could do without any problem.
I deployed the first activity successfully as show the next print.
When I tried to deploy the second activity using the console I got the following error:
So, to fix this problem we’ve got two ways:
The first one is modify the XML file which has the activity definition, we have to change every single Id. Be careful because if you define something like this, with this Id you have to change this Id for each one FechaInicio you find into the file (See the green highlight):
In the first Chechkpoint with name: FechaInicio that is below that Activity tag has the Id finished in “2E1C”. The tag call “Alias” down the text, below the activityView tag has another Id, but has the ChechpointRef that is the same which is in the beginning. So this context is to explain that if you decide to change the Ids in the activity has to be very careful changing those Ids because some of them appears in different part of the text.
The other way is to define a new activity in a new excel, like this we’ve got the unique ids and after that we can deploy without any problem. 🙂
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